26 Jun 2014

How to clean your travello

What you need:
Small spray bottle filled with clean water

How to:
To clean out your travello and use a different fragrance in it without changing the scent by having the two perfumes mix. Follow the below steps

1. Make sure that your travello is empty.
2. Take a small spray bottle filled with clean water (you can add a drop of surgical spirit but this is optional)
3. Remove the spray nossel land pump the travello half way with the water from the spray bottle.
4. Once it's filled halfway give it a little shake and then start to spray the water out through the travello.
5. Repeat steps 3&4 at least 3-4 times to insure that you have cleaned it out fully.

And there you have it, no more having to go buy a new travello when you want to wear a new perfume.


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