29 Jul 2014

DIY: How to repair your broken eyeshadows/blushes

What yo need: 
Broken shadow/blush
Surgical spirit or rubbing alcohol
Mixing tool
Coin that's the same size as the eye shadow pan

How to:
1. Break the shadow/blush up even more 
2. Add surgical spirit drop by drop until it makes a paste.
3. Smooth out in the pan evenly
4. Leave to air dry for an hour
5. Once the surgical spirit has evaporated wrap the coin in the material and press it into the eye shadow. This will flatten down the shadow so it doesn't flake and will also remove any surgical spirit that is left in the bottom of the pan.
6. Leave the shadow/blush overnight before using, to insure all the surgical spirit has evaporated.

Et voilà! 


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