27 Jul 2014

Review: VO5 Plump it up Volumising Spritz

Because my hair is quite long it can become very flat on top. I have been using this to help give me a little bit of volume at my roots. The bottle says that it has long lasting volume, is conditioning and has control. To be honest I do find that I get a bit of volume however I also find it drys my hair out and the texture after drying it can be a little straw like! I love using this if I know I'm going to curl my hair after drying it as it gives the curls a great texture and they hold better.

Is says on the bottle "fabulous new fragrance". If this fragrance is fabulous I would hate to see what it smelt like before! It has a definite alcohol smell. The pump sprays out in a single beam not in a dispersed spray. I have even tried to see if it was blocked by rinsing the pump under warm water or a pin but sadly this didn't work.

As I said I do like it for a bit of volume when curling my hair but not when I'm wearing it straight, it just tangles to easily after using this.

If you own this let me know what you think or if you have any other recommendations!


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