13 Jul 2014

Review: Herbal Essences Beautiful ends cream

So my hair has been in bad condition from all the heat styling and dying over the years and the fact that it is long doesn't help much. When I wash my hair it is hard to get a brush or comb through it without using a tone of conditioner or oils, which leave my hair feeling greasy and stuck to my head! 

Since discovering this my ends have never looked more healthy! I rub a pump of it through towel dried hair and style as normal. It doesn't weigh my hair down at all and it feels silky smooth. Oh and the smell ..... It is amazing! It smells like fresh berries and the scent lingers all day! Since using this I have definitely noticed that my ends aren't so dry and frizzy, also I've noticed that my split ends are getting better!

So ladies next time your looking for something to solve your split/dry ends problem give this a go!


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