11 Nov 2014

Review: St. Ives Timeless Skin Daily Microdermabrasion face scrub

I've been using this almost every day since I bought it. I can honestly say I'm in love and don't think I've ever love a face scrub as much as I do this one.

This is a daily microdermabrasion that gently exfoliates your skin with fine mineral crystals that feel like you are rubbing tiny diamond particles on your face! its just lovely!1 and the smell is quite pleasant as well.

I tend to use this in the shower in the mornings (i just find it easier). I wet my face and take a tiny bead of this on my finger tips (a little goes a long way) and rub it in circular motions all over my face, then rinse with water.

I find this great as it doesn't aggravate my sensitive skin as it doesn't contain any parabens or phyalates. This leaves my skin feeling super soft, I've also noticed the texture of my skin has improved. I was starting to get tiny millia along my jaw line and somehow this cleared it right up.

I would definitely recommend this product and at only 6.99 I feel it's well worth it!


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