8 Oct 2015

Review: W7 Absolute Lashes Mascara

I was very intrigued to try this mascara as it is said to be a dupe for Benefit They're Real mascara. While it gives the same look to the lashes as the Benefit one, this mascara wears completely differently. This mascara made my lashes look super long and voluminous. The formula isn't waterproof but it didn't transfer or smudge as much as some mascaras. I did find that my lashes felt very stiff ad were rock hard.

This mascara is a B**ch to remove. No matter how much makeup remover I used, I still found myself scrubbing at my eyes to try and get it off. I also noticed that even after removing my makeup the night before, I would wake up in the morning and there would be black mascara flakes all over my face!

Don't get me wrong my lashes looked amazing during the day but I don't think I would buy this again because it's such a pain to try and get off. For me I love Benefit They're real mascara and I would rather shell out the money on that then buy this again.


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