24 Jul 2016

Review: W7 Brow Parlour

This is described as being the complete eyebrow grooming kit.

  • In this pocket sized tin box you get:
  • Brow wax
  • Highlight powder
  • Light brown brow powder
  • Dark brown brow powder
  • A mini tweezers
  • An angled brush & brow comb 
  • A mirror

This is a great brow kit for on the go or for travelling as everything you need is in it.
the brow was is a nice consistency and not at all sticky. The highlight shade is really nice and is great for under the arch of your brow or the inner corner of your eye.

The lighter of the two brow shades is very warm so unfortunately I've steered away from that but the darker shade is a great scour on me. The tweezers is so cute and dinky but it really works and is sharp enough to get event the smallest hairs. I like that they give you an angles brush and brow comb for if your on the go but I find they are so short it's hard to use them.

Overall it's a great little kit, and at only €6.95 you really can't go wrong!


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