7 Oct 2014

DIY: Homemade face mask for Dehydrated Skin

Coming into the colder months our skin can become dry and dehydrated. Here is a face mask that will help to keep your skin hydrated and scale free.

What you need:
* 4 tbsp instant coffee
* 4 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder
* 4 tbsp coconut oil
* 2 tbsp Honey

How to:
1. Mix the instant coffee and cocoa powder together in a bowl
2. Melt the coconut oil and add this to the dry ingredients (I like to melt the oil over a bowl of hot water)
3. Add in your honey
4. Mix into a paste
5. Apply to the face and neck
6. Wait for the mask to dry (similar to a clay mask)
7. Wash off with a face cloth and warm water.
8. Apply a moisturiser most suited to your skin type.

And there you have it! Banish dull dehydrated winter skin and don't forget to drink plenty of water!


1 comment:

  1. Oh my! That mocha body scrub sure sounds so delicious. I've heard that coffee is a great antioxidant and chocolates are rich in nutrients that definitely nourish the skin. Add that to honey, which is an established skin care item since ancient times, and you get one amazing scrub. I can't wait to try that out for myself. Thanks so much for sharing!

    Lilia Valle @ La Fleur
