23 Dec 2014

Review: Miss Sporty Peel off base coat

I was browsing around Boots when this product caught my eye. My immediate thought was I wonder if that actually works and if it does it would be great for glitter polishes cause they are so hard to remove!

I bought it because I really wanted to test it out and see if it works and it does!!! All you do is apply one coat and wait for it to dry, it goes from white to transparent once it's dry. Then Pply 1-2 coats of your desired polish. I decided to put it to the test straight away and applied 2 coats of a heavily glittered polish and it worked! After around 2 days it started to chip but to be honest it wasn't anything major, just a little at the tips of one or two nails.

It was also really easy to remove! All I had to do was try and get one corner lifted and it peeled straight off and didn't leave any glitter behind. It literally took a whole 30 seconds to remove it where without the Miss Sporty base coat I would have probably been sitting there for about 15-20 minutes trying to soak it off.

I absolutely love this stuff! And it only costs €2.49! I know one thing the women in my family will be finding in their Christmas stocking this year!


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